Shoot Beyond The Selfie (12 - 14 years) Autumn Holiday

4.Nov.21 until 5.Nov.21
Selma DSCF1095

Do you enjoy taking photos but want something more than a duckface selfie or a TikTok Challenge? Join us!

In this workshop, you walk through S.M.A.K. with a guide and zoom in on the exhibitions. Afterwards, you get to work with a smartphone or compact camera and learn more about composition, colour and theme under the guidance of professional photographer Anja Hellebaut.

There are two workshops this autumn break: one on portraits and another on surroundings. You can participate in one or both days. In short, two inspiring workshops in and around S.M.A.K., with perhaps a nice new series of photos for your Instagram as a result.

Practical Information
  • Thursday 4 November 2021 - theme Portrait.
  • Friday 5 November 2021 - theme Environment.
  • From 10:00 to 17:00.
  • For young people 12-14 years old, first stage of secondary education.
  • Price: 25 euros by bank transfer -UitPas rate: 5 euros.
  • Register via
  • The workshop takes place in and around S.M.A.K.
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