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14.May.2023 11:00

Book Presentation Grace Ndiritu en talk with Philippe Van Cauteren

Publicatie Healing The Museum Grace Ndiritu

On the occasion of Grace Ndiritu's first retrospective at S.M.A.K., her first monograph of the same name 'Healing The Museum' will also be published. On Sunday 14 May, she presented her book and discussed the future of the museum with Philippe Van Cauteren.

21.May.2023 - 11:00

Gesprek met psycholoog Frederik Van Driessche rond psyche en klimaat

Frederik Van Driessche

21.May.2023 - 18:00

Performance: Grace Ndiritu Labour #3: Birth of a New Museum

Grace Ndiritu

During Healing The Museum, Grace Ndiritu will hold the shamanic performance Labour #3: Birth of a New Museum. She invites pregnant people to participate in an initiation ceremony. During this ritual, you spiritually connect with your unborn child.

28.May.2023 - 11:00

Book presentation Marie-Sophie Beinke

Marie-Sophie Beinke

On Sunday 28 May 2023, Marie-Sophie Beinke talks to Philippe Van Cauteren about the book "Dinge, die nicht in Worte zu fassen sind".

1.Jun.2023 - 20:00

Curatorial Lecture: Kasia Redzisz, director of KANAL-Centre Pompidou Brussels

Kasia Redzisz
Portrait: Kasia Redzisz

Every academic year, S.M.A.K., Ghent University and Curatorial Studies at KASK & Conservatory School of Arts jointly organise the Curatorial Lectures series. Kasia Redzisz, director of KANAL-Centre Pompidou, Brussels, gives a lecture on Thursday 1st of June, at 20:00.

Stad Gent      Vlaanderen verbeeld      Jan De Nul      Fondation Willame      Engie      Square Group      Christie's      Hiscox      Interparking      De Standaard      Klara      La Libre      Nationale Loterij      Belfius      Institut francais      Ambassade de France en Belgique (2)      Duvel (2)     
Jan Hoetplein 1
9000 Gent
+32 (0)9 323 60 01

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