Lancement de livre Karlo Kacharava à Tbilisi

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Dans le cadre de l'exposition "Sentimental Traveller" de Karlo Kacharava, vous pourrez assister au lancement du livre et à une série de conférences.

Karlo Kacharava Talks est un programme public autour de l'exposition Sentimental Traveller de Karlo Kacharava au S.M.A.K., réunissant différentes générations et diasporas d'artistes géorgiens et internationaux, d'historiens de l'art, de conservateurs et de penseurs. Karlo Kacharava Talks, qui se déroule principalement au S.M.A.K. et se termine à Tbilissi, adopte des approches multifocales, multivocales et multidisciplinaires avec et à partir de l'œuvre de Kacharava, entrant ainsi en dialogue avec son travail.

2 Sentimental Traveler Karlo Kacharava

À l'occasion du lancement du catalogue de l'exposition Sentimental Traveller de Karlo Kacharava, actuellement présentée au S.M.A.K., les conférenciers Irina Popiashvili, Vija Skangale et Guram Tsibakhashvili nous invitent à explorer des perspectives et des extraits des récits du catalogue bilingue (anglais et géorgien), dans lequel leurs voix sont rejointes par celles de Karlo Kacharava (1964-1994).

La publication rassemble une collection de nouveaux essais de Caroline Busta, Aka Morchiladze, Irena Popiashvili, Vija Skangale, Karima Boudou et Liesje Vandenbroeck avec une sélection de peintures de Karlo Kacharava et de sa production artistique en général, s'étalant sur plus de deux décennies. Les contributions des auteurs offrent des réflexions détaillées et multidisciplinaires sur les changements artistiques, personnels et politiques dans la vie et l'œuvre de Kacharava, dans son pays natal, la Géorgie, et au-delà. S.M.A.K. publie le livre et vous pouvez le consulter et l'acheter à la librairie de S.M.A.K..

Organisée dans le cadre d'europalia georgia, en collaboration avec la succession de Karlo Kacharava, la Kunsthalle Tbilisi et Irena Popiashvili. Avec le soutien de Modern Art, Londres.

Infos pratiques
  • Dates :
    • Dimanche 24.Mar.24 à 11h00 : lancement de livre au S.M.A.K.
    • Samedi 30.Mar.24 à 11h00 : conférence - 14h00 : table ronde au S.M.A.K.
    • Vendredi 12.Avr.24 : lancement de livre au Rooms Hotel, Tbilisi, Georgie
  • Langues: anglais
  • Orateurs : Irian Popiashvili, Vija Skangale et Guram Tsibakhashvili; avec une introduction par Karima Boudou & Liesje Vandenbroeck, curateurs S.M.A.K.


Irena Popiashvili

Irena Popiashvili is a curator and educator. She completed her education at Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi; University of Lodz, Poland, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Since 2013 she is the dean of Visual Art, Architecture, and Design School VA[A]DS at the Free University of Tbilisi. Additionally, she is a co-founder of Kunsthalle Tbilisi. Previously she was a co-owner of Popiashvili Gvaberidze Window Project, Tbilisi, Georgia (2013-2017), Newman Popiashvili Gallery, New York, USA (2005-2012), and the rector of the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts (2012).

Vija Skangale

Vija Skangale is a Georgia-born, London-based multidisciplinary educator, curator, and researcher. She is currently a PhD candidate and a visiting lecturer at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London. She participated in various art projects including the Kunsthalle Tbilisi, Tate Modern Late, and Tate Exchange among others. Her written work has been featured in publications such as MoMA, Biennial Foundation magazine, the Calvert Journal, Tbilisi Public Art Fund, and many others. Her research focuses on recent histories of contemporary art within the framework of post-socialist transition. She explores practices and exhibition histories in Georgia that have been under-documented, aiming to broaden our understanding of exhibition-making during a period of significant cultural transformation.

Guram Tsibakhashvili

Guram Tsibakhashvili was born in 1960 in Tbilisi. He is a photographer who specializes in Street, Documentary, and Fine Art Photography genres. His works create voluminous photographic documentation of the turning points in the history of Georgia in the 1990s and the socio-political and creative life of Tbilisi. Together with his associates, he initiated the project of a Visual Repository in 1985. These photo reports depict Tbilisi during the collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent civil wars, as well as the simultaneous activities of Tbilisi artistic groups, including artists' portraits and their everyday lives.

Guram Tsibakashvili graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Tbilisi State University in 1982. In the late 1980s, he began making documentary photos depicting the streets of Tbilisi while also creating pop-art-style collages. By 1985, he was already a self-taught professional. Tsibakashvili studied photography theory at his alma mater from 1990 to 1994 and began giving lectures on photography in 1991. After the formation of the Free Press movement in Georgia, he collaborated with various newly established newspapers, providing photographs.

Guram Tsibakashvili is a member of the Union of Independent Journalists, the Union of Georgian Artists, and the Union of Photo-Artists.

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