
Lee Kit Year and place of birth: 1978 , Hong Kong, China, China Location: Hong Kong, China and Taipei, Taiwan
Herman Van Ingelgem Year and place of birth: 1968 , Blankenberge, Belgium, Belgium Location: Mechelen, Belgium
Bjarne Melgaard Year and place of birth: 1968 , Sydney, Australia, Australia Location: New York, USA
Henk Visch Year and place of birth: 1950 , Eindhoven, The Netherlands, The Netherlands Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands and Berlin, Germany
Pascale Marthine Tayou Year and place of birth: 1966 , Nkonsamba, Cameroon, Cameroon Location: Ghent, Belgium and Yaoundé, Cameroon
Joachim Koester Year and place of birth: 1962 , Copenhagen, Denemark, Denemark Location: Copenhagen, Denemark and New York, USA
Kees Goudzwaard Year and place of birth: 1958 , Utrecht, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Location: Antwerp, Belgium and Reusel, the Netherlands
Louise Lawler Year and place of birth: 1947 , New York, USA, USA Location: New York, USA
Karin Hanssen Year and place of birth: 1960 , Antwerp, Belgium, Belgium Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Piero Gilardi Year and place of birth: 1942 , Turin, Italy, Italy Date of death:
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