Management | |
Philippe Van Cauteren
artistic director |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 78 |
Pieter Van der Gheynst
business coordinator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)477 75 22 11 |
Anna Drijbooms
assistant to the director |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 48 |
Annelies Valgaeren
digital strategist MSK & S.M.A.K. |
Send e-mail |
Kariné Hakobyan
accountant |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 74 / (0)477 68 04 74 |
Tineke De Rijck
assistant to the director |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 32 |
Sarah Catrysse
financial manager Autonomous Municipal Company Arts and Design |
Send e-mail |
Artistic department | |
Ann Hoste
curator - coordinator artistic team |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 98 |
Tanja Boon
curator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 15 |
Liesje Vandenbroeck
curator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 16 |
Sam Steverlynck
associate curator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)323 60 17 / +32 (0)472 38 36 16 |
Collection | |
Iris Paschalidis
head of collection |
Send e-mail
+ 32 (0)496 64 78 75 |
Claudia Kramer
conservator-restorer |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)485 36 67 96 |
Carla Viana
conservator-restorer |
Send e-mail |
Thibaut Verhoeven
collection researcher |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 40 |
Jeroen Staes
loans coordinator & collection researcher |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 36 |
Véronique Van Bever
collection registrar & archives |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 09 |
Lien Roelandt
collection registrar |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 41 |
Geert Wijns
digital registration project officer |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)468 57 41 30 |
Jana Van de Mierop
collection assistant |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 92 |
Public and communication | |
Peter Aerts
head of marketing, communication & mediation |
Send e-mail |
Fran Bombeke
communication and PR coordinator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)494 90 71 66 |
Annelies Vantyghem
editor |
Send e-mail |
Arno Major
digital content editor |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)492 62 10 64 |
Annemie Vander Borght
communication assistant |
Send e-mail |
Aline Van Nereaux
mediation, education & outreach |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)471 55 44 65 |
Filip Van de Velde
coordinator guides & volunteers - public mediation |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 56 / (0)484 97 52 96 |
Leen Goossens
receptionist & bookshop |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 01 |
Rika Godderis
receptionist |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 01 |
Aïcha Snoussi
receptionist |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 01 |
Maaike Aelbrecht
on-call receptionist |
Productional department | |
Robby Timmermans
head of production & facility |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)485 14 62 27 |
Karen Wulgaert
production manager |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)475 87 16 99 |
Berdien Floré
production manager |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 14 |
Ann-Sophie Hoste
event coordinator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)478 88 03 30 |
Christophe Claeys
production assistant & art handler |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 14 |
Pauline Dobbelaere
production assistant & registrator exhibitions |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 14 |
Charlie Moorhouse
depot manager |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)496 59 77 25 |
Lieven Declercq
employee facility & events |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)473 82 70 73 |
Kimberly Thyssen
administrative assistant |
Send e-mail |
Lander Thys
technical production assistant |
Filip De Poortere
carpenter |
Send e-mail |
Marek Jano
decorator & paperer |
Marianne Vonck
cleaning |
Funda Korkmazer
cleaning |
Museum attendants | |
Wesley De Smet
strategic manager internal security department |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)477 21 20 61 |
Sam Vandevoorde
team leader internal security department |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)494 05 27 72 |
Dave Maes
team leader internal security department |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)471 11 28 90 |
Sven Serluppens
chief attendant |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 67 11 |
Bart, Chris, Christa, Gaëtan, Gunter, Karin, Kenneth, Manon, Mike, Quinten, Sasha, Tom
attendants |
Friends of S.M.A.K. | |
Bruno Matthys
chairman |
Griet Van de Velde
coordinator |
Send e-mail
+32 (0)9 323 60 26 |