
Birde Vanheerswynghels Year and place of birth: 1986 , Roeselare (Belgium), Roeselare (Belgium), Roeselare (Belgium) Location: Brussels (Belgium)
Shikh Sabbir Alam Year and place of birth: 1982 , Kushtia, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
James Welling Year and place of birth: 1951 , Hartford, USA, USA Location: Los Angeles, USA
Narcisse Tordoir Year and place of birth: 1954 , Mechelen, Belgium, Belgium Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Verlust der Mitte (curated by Christoph Büchel) Year and place of birth: 1966 , Basel, Switzerland, Switzerland Location: Iceland
Kristof Van Gestel Year and place of birth: 1976 , Turnhout, Belgium, Belgium Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Denicolai & Provoost Year and place of birth: 1972 & 1974 , Milan, Belgium, Belgium Location: Brussels, Belgium
Gerry Bibby Year and place of birth: 1977 , Melbourne, Australia, Australia Location: Berlin, Germany
Hamza Halloubi Year and place of birth: 1982 , Tangier, Morocco, Morocco Location: Brussels and Ghent, Belgium & Tangier, Morocco
Michael Dean Year and place of birth: 1977 , Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, United Kingdom Location: London, United Kingdom
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