Performance: Grace Ndiritu Labour #3: Birth of a New Museum


During Healing The Museum, Grace Ndiritu will hold the shamanic performance 'Labour #3: Birth of a New Museum'. She invites pregnant people to participate in an initiation ceremony. During this ritual, you spiritually connect with your unborn child.

This intimate and spiritual event invites a group of pregnant participants to embark on a shamanic activation session in which they will discover the ‘soul’ name of their unborn child. This allows a new energy to flow through the museum, giving birth to a new generation of S.M.A.K. visitors. How these children will experience art in the future changes after this experience.

This unique shamanic performance by Ndiritu focuses on ideas of lineage and legacy. It connects to the original idea of the current generation to live and work for the benefit of the seventh generation in the future.

This new performance at S.M.A.K. builds on previous shamanic performances at RAMM Exeter (2022), Nottingham Contemporary (2021), Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona (2017), Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, Paris (2016), Glasgow School of Art (2015), Galveston Artists Residency, Texas (2015), Museum Modern of Art, Warsaw (2014), Musee Chasse & Nature and Centre Pompidou, Paris (2013).

Practical information
  • Monday 22 May 2023 at 6pm in S.M.A.K.
  • In English.
  • Max 12 participants.
  • The workshop is free and open to pregnant people in their second or third trimester.
  • Participants can expect to be sitting on beanbags, cushions or lying down on carpet for the entire workshop.
  • No incense or candles will be used.
  • Low-volume music will be played, and the artist will be playing a shamanic hand-drum.
  • The journey is a gentle yet deep process, similar to a hypno-session
  • The workshop will be documented by a photographer and videographer and will take place behind closed doors.
  • Interested to join or want more information
  • This performance takes place as part of the exhibition Grace Ndiritu - Healing The Museum.

Trailer Birth of a New Museum in RAMM

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