Cultural sponsorship – What’s In It For Me?

20230201 SMAK Belfius c Martin Corlazzoli COR07627 2

What do contemporary art and entrepreneurship have in common, why collaborate with a museum, what is the sense or nonsense of cultural sponsorship, and how can your company contribute to a diverse society? Come to our first meeting for business leaders and marketers on Thursday 11 May 2023 at 18:30.

Discover how inclusive marketing is gaining importance within the museum context and how a partnership between a company and a museum offers a new perspective on entrepreneurship.


  • 18:30 - Reception and visit to current exhibitions in S.M.A.K. (Grace Ndiritu and Haegue Yang).
  • 19:30 - Introduction by Philippe Van Cauteren, artistic director S.M.A.K.

    Keynote speakers:
    • Sarah Slootweg - sponsorship manager Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
    • Elisabetta Lazzaro – professor Creative and Cultural Industries Management - UCA -UK
  • 20:15 - Panelgesprek, moderator Riadh Bahri
    • Alexander Alonso - CEO BD Benelux, Becton Dickinson
    • Hamza Ouamari - inclusive Strategist & marketeer
    • Sarah Slootweg - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
  • 21:00
    • Closing remarks by Sami Souguir, alderman for culture, urban development and spatial planning.
  • 21:15
    • Networking moment and reception.
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