Art matinee on Sunday

Kunstmatinee febr2023 image Eva Vlonk 62

Every first Sunday of the month, you can get interactive and creative with your (grand)children at the museum.

Our S.M.A.K. guide takes you through the current exhibitions. In dynamic project, you step into the abstract and poetic world of Philippe Van Snick and in Marc De Cock: An imaginary portrait in works of art, works from our collection and that of Matthys-Colle are shown. Afterwards, you will work together. After this creative workshop, you can enjoy a drink and/or snack in Crèmerie GUILLAUME. Crèmerie GUILLAUME.

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Practical information
  • Each first Sunday of the month: 5.Mar.2023.
  • From 10:30 to 12:30.
  • In Dutch.
  • For children between 6 and 14 years and (grand)parents (maximum 19 participants).
  • 5 euro per participant + entry ticket (UitPas at social rate also valid).
  • Inscription and registration for the workshop is necessary via
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