Performance, Collection, Archive: masterclass by Ula Sickle

until 19.Feb.21
Ula sickle 015

In the context of 'Museum for a Small City/Rebuild' by Richard Venlet

Ula sickle 009

In February 2020, Ula Sickle performed The Host: An Incomplete History of Performance at S.M.A.K. in the context of Richard Venlet's exhibition 'Museum for a Small City/Rebuild'. In a narrative and embodied way, she led us through the rich history of performance at S.M.A.K. The research and methodology of this performance now form the basis of a digital master class. Together with a group of students, the artist explores performative strategies in dealing with works of art that consist only of traces, perception and documentation, and processes them into a series of podcasts.

In collaboration with LUCA School of Arts, Master Vrije Kunsten, Brussels and KASK School of Arts of HoGent, Curatorial Studies.

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