On Thursday evening, June 1, we will hold an R.A.V.E.: Reactive Audio Visual Exploration. Experience a unique music experience in S.M.A.K. at the same time as being part of a work of art.
During June's Late Thursday, we make it even later. R.A.V.E. is an evening of electronic music curated by GRID. By participating in this event, you will simultaneously enter into co-creation with designer and researcher Lars Hiele to create an audiovisual artwork.
With this project, Lars Hiele explores new ways to reach new young audiences using subcultures.
R.A.V.E. wants to make a first connection with first timers by inviting them to discover museum spaces in a different light. What can take place in a museum and how can we use art institutions to recognise subcultures as culturally significant?
R.A.V.E. is a joint research project by audio-visual designer, event organiser and master student Lars Hiele, producer and dk Pieter VandenHoudt, Ghent-based event organisation Grid and S.M.A.K.