Symposium UGent

Kunst na 45 19710617 0001 MA

The multidisciplinary research group KB45 (Art in Belgium since 1945) was founded in 2020 by Prof. Wouter Davidts at UGent, within the departments of Art, Music and Theatre Sciences on the one hand, and Architecture & Urbanism on the other.

On 2 June, during a symposium in the S.M.A.K., the affiliated researchers will present current and future projects, ranging from doctoral projects and proposals to exhibitions and publications. The afternoon will be concluded with a reception in CONVENT where the exhibition ‘Plus en Yves De Smet’, curated by staff member Koen Brams, will be on display.

Practical information
  • Thursday 2 June 2022 in S.M.A.K. auditorium.
  • In Dutch.
  • The symposium can only be attended after registration.
  • For more information, or if you want to be kept informed of activities organised by KB45, you can mail to:
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