As a guest in Room 1: Jurgen Facon with Bondage

until 20.Oct.24
Jurgen Facon 2

In Room 1, Jurgen Facon invites visitors to work together to create a total work of art.

Jurgen Facon responds to the romantic ideal of the artist. Someone who has lived, shaped by the hard learning of life and society. Through his art, Facon arms himself against the prejudices he experiences in his life. It is his way of (over)living in a society that he experiences as illogical. This manifests itself clearly in the irony and humour in his work. Jurgen dreams of being accepted for his art, not for his limitation or for his person. From these thoughts emerged his concept Bondage for Room 1.

With Bondage, Jurgen Facon refers to connection. The door is open for everyone to work together on a total work of art.

Practical info
  • Participating to Bondage is possible between 14:00 and 16:00 on:
    • Tuesday 24/09 *FULL*
    • Thursday 26/09
    • Friday 27/09
    • Monday 30/09 *FULL*
    • Tuesday 1/10
    • Thursday 03/10
  • From 16 years
  • Maximum 15 participants per day
  • Book via stating which day you prefer.
  • The result can be seen in Room 1 from 4. to 20.Oct.24.
    On Thursday 3.Oct.24 from 17:30 the exhibition opens.

Jurgen works independently in his studio, but is supported where necessary by VillaDACart. This is an inclusive art studio of Zonnehoeve living+, which invites people with or without disabilities to actively participate in art and culture.

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