Summer workshop De Brug (The Bridge) in MSK and S.M.A.K.

10.Aug.21 until 13.Aug.21
S M A K Kinderen foto Eva Vlonk 78

For children between 6 and 10.

S M A K Kinderen foto Eva Vlonk 69

foto: Eva Vlonk

In the summer workshop 'De Brug' (The Bridge), children between 6 and 10 are immersed in a bath of different visual techniques.

Together with guides Lisa and Aline, they make drawings, paintings, installations, etc. in S.M.A.K. and MSK. And it's going to be exciting: we're going to feast on the rich collection in MSK and we're going to be inspired by the challenging collection in S.M.A.K.

Together with the guide, you will search for differences, similarities and fascinating stories that connect artworks and artists from the past and present.

This summer workshop is a cooperation between the MSK and S.M.A.K.

  • Van dinsdag 10.08 tot en met vrijdag 13.08.2021
  • Tussen 10:00 en 16:00.
  • Voor kinderen tussen 6 en 10 jaar.
  • Prijs: € 100
  • Inschrijven is noodzakelijk via
  • Vermeld bij je inschrijving telkens: naam, voornaam en geboortedatum van het kind, adres en telefoonnummer van één van de ouders.
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