
René Daniëls Year and place of birth: 1950 , Eindhoven, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Hanne Darboven Year and place of birth: 1941 , Munich, Germany, Germany Location: +2009, Hamburg, Germany
Franky D.C Year and place of birth: 1957 , Izegem, Belgium, Belgium Location: Brussels, Belgium
Markus Degerman Year and place of birth: 1972 , Stockholm (Sweden), Stockholm (Sweden), Stockholm (Sweden) Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
Luc Deleu Year and place of birth: 1944 , Duffel, Belgium, Belgium Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Jan Dibbets Year and place of birth: 1941 , Weert, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Joseph Kosuth Year and place of birth: 1945 , Toledo (Ohio, VS)
Michelangelo Pistoletto Year and place of birth: 1933 , Biella, Italy, Italy Location: Biella and Turin, Italy
Massimo Bartolini Year and place of birth: 1962 , Cecina, Italy, Italy Location: Cecina, Italy
Sven 't Jolle Year and place of birth: 1966 , Antwerp, Belgium, Belgium Location: Melbourne, Australia
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