
Loek Grootjans Year and place of birth: 1955 , Arnemuiden, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Location: Breda, the Netherlands
Navid Nuur Year and place of birth: 1976 , Teheran (Iran, Teheran (Iran, Teheran (Iran Location: The Hague (The Netherlands)
Tatjana Gerhard Year and place of birth: 1974 , Zurich, Switzerland, Switzerland Location: Ghent, Belgium
Daniel Spoerri Year and place of birth: 1930 , Galati, Romania, Romania Location: Vienna, Austria and Seggiano, Italy
Sergej Bratkov Year and place of birth: 1960 , Kharkov, Ukraine, Ukraine Location: Moscow, Russia
Wesley Meuris Year and place of birth: 1977 , Lier, Belgium, Belgium Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Roe Ethridge Year and place of birth: 1969 , Miami, United States, United States Location: New York, United States
Anton Henning Year and place of birth: 1964 , Berlin, Germany, Germany Location: Berlin and Manker, Germany
Stefaan Dheedene Year and place of birth: 1975 , Kortrijk, Belgium, Belgium Location: Ghent, Belgium
Vincent Geyskens Year and place of birth: 1972 , Lier, Belgium, Belgium Location: Brussels, Belgium
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