Royden Rabinowitch

Year and place of birth: 1943, Toronto, Canada Location: Ghent, Belgium

In Royden Rabinowitch’s early period, the relationship of his sculptures to the viewer and the space played a central role. Although his work may appear to be linked to it, the artist denies any affinity with the minimal art of the 1960s and 70s. He emphasises that his fascination for the contrast between concrete space on the one hand, and abstract or geometric space on the other, was a personal development that is independent of any art historical trend. In 1982, Rabinowitch made the acquaintance of Jan Hoet. Two years later, the sculptor was given a solo exhibition at S.M.A.K. Rabinowitch’s friendship with Hoet and his fascination with the Van Eyck brothers’ ‘Adoration of the Mystic Lamb’ have meant that the Canadian has lived and worked in Ghent on a part-time basis since 2005.

Works Royden Rabinowitch

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