Friends of S.M.A.K. show: Alfred d'Ursel | Safe

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Friends of S.M.A.K. invited Alfred d'Ursel to exhibit at De Vereniging.

Alfred d'Ursel (°1986, Brussels) was the second in a series of three young Belgian painters invited by the board of directors of the Friends of S.M.A.K toexhibit in the new exhibition space De Vereniging. In this exhibition the artist presents a new series of works.

The exhibition title Safe refers to the eponymous film by Todd Haynes from 1995, which, like d'Ursel’s work, is characterized by a distant and intangible atmosphere. Conceived as a detached auto-fiction, his cinematic approach to image building offers a quiet narrative of fear and loathing within today’s society, by exploring the space left behind when something disappears or when something has yet to occur.

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