Friends of S.M.A.K. show: Leyla Aydoslu

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Friends of S.M.A.K. invited Leyla Aydoslu to exhibit at De Vereniging.

The assembled sculptures by Leyla Aydoslu (1987, Antwerp) confront us with an interplay of form and material that combines the accidental and the deliberate.
Aydoslu’s work is often a deconstruction of architectural elements adapted to the scale of the human body and of the space where the work is shown.
The artist looks for objects of possible interest in the streets, often remnants of building materials, which she then converts experimentally into constructions and sculptural installations that may be both robust and elegant. While respecting the properties of the material, during the creative process she looks for ways of linking the various elements together to the point where a sense of tension arises.
The mould and the cast – negative and positive space – make frequent appearances in her oeuvre. The works have a directness and urgency that is not founded on a theoretical or conceptual discourse.
Leyla Aydoslu lives and works in Ghent. She studied painting at the KASK and also took a course at the HISK in Ghent.
Friends of S.M.A.K. produced a limited edition with Leyla Aydoslu.
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