Educational and social projects

Expo Anna Boghiguian visitors S M A K 2021 Image by Martin Corlazzoli 31

BD Benelux – S.M.A.K. en valise (S.M.A.K. in a box) in Belgian hospitals


A trip to the museum is not obvious for everyone. Certainly not for those who are hospitalised. That is why the museum comes to them. S.M.A.K.-en-valise is a mobile museum with in its case works of a range of Belgian and international artists. This stimulating collection is carefully transported to the patients and surprises each participant with a unique experience: experiencing art in the intimacy of the personal (hospital) environment.

ENGIE – vulnerable youngsters

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In cooperation with ENGIE and the Centrum Leren Werken (CLW) in Ghent, S.M.A.K. realises art projects in the form of interactive workshops for young people who have had a difficult school career.

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