New edition | Tove Storch, Untitled, 2022

Storch 001

The Danish artist has work in the S.M.A.K. collection.

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Tove Storch | Untitled, 2022
9 unique works from an open edition.
Stainless steel, plaster and powder pigment.
Each work measures on average 33 x 18,5 x 2 cm.

Price: 990 euro | 900 euro (members). Book your edition via Choose your copy here.

The edition is on view in the room of the Friends in S.M.A.K.

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Tove Storch Untitled, 2020 aluminium, plaster with pigment, in Nils Staerck gallery, Denmark

Tove Storch (°1981, Denmark) investigates the complex relationship between material, form and colour within the medium of sculpture. In doing so, she pays close attention to the relationship between her work and the space in which it is presented. Generally speaking, Storch looks for ways of balancing opposites. She combines soft, fragile silk with hard metal, delicate sensuality with austere, cool minimalism, and massive heaviness with the lightness of wafer-thin textiles. In 2013 Storch exhibited solo in the 'Kunst Nu' space at S.M.A.K.

Take a look at Storch's CV.

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Tove Storch | Untitled, 2011 silk, aluminium

The artist has work in the S.M.A.K. collection.

The collection work 'Untitled' by Tove Storch is not only illustrative of Storch's play on contrasts. The sculpture also testifies to her sustained attempt to make us look more intensely. Soft, monochrome silk sheets are stretched one behind the other and enclosed in an industrial metal structure.

By varying shape and size, many shades were created whose almost painterly colour effects change as our angle of view changes. Storch invites us to appreciate the subtle differences in colour that permeate not only her work but also the whole world.

19.Aug.22 Category: Friends of S.M.A.K.
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