Pedro Barbosa on his art collection | 16 June 2019 at 3 pm


The Moraes-Barbosa collection occupies a special position in the Brazilian artistic landscape. Pedro Barbosa enters into a conversation with Nathalie Zonnenberg* about the way in which a collection can be meaningful from a personal, historical and research perspective.

The purchase of a kinetic artwork by Jesús Rafael Soto in 1999 marked the start of the Moraes-Barbosa collection. This now comprises both conceptual art from the 1960s to the 1980s, including work by Robert Barry, Stanley Brouwn and Cildo Meireles, and works by a younger generation of artists who continue to draw upon this artistic heritage, such as Cameron Rowland, Park McArthur, Ken Okiishi, Iman Issa and Mario Garcia Torres. As part of the collection process, the attention gradually shifted from the objet d’art to more ephemeral forms and documents, or what the owner describes as ‘dematerialised art’. The collection also includes an impressive archive of invitation cards, rare art magazines, posters, artists’ books, catalogues and recordings, both audio and video, all of which provide insight into the artistic oeuvres. With ambition, passion and precision, the exchange of ideas and relationships is encouraged. The collection is the catalyst for a number of other initiatives, such as a residence programme for artists and curators.

Practical information

  • Sunday 16 June 2019 at 3 pm
  • In English
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  • Free entry with a museum ticket. This gives admission to multiple lectures, or why not become a friend of the S.M.A.K. and visit the museum as often as you like?

* Nathalie Zonnenberg is an art historian and curator. Her doctoral research, Conceptual Art in a Curatorial Perspective: Between Dematerialization and Documentation, has just been published by Valiz. The publication highlights the challenges that conceptual artworks can pose to an exhibition practice as a result of their non-object-based character. Nathalie Zonnenberg teaches at the Open University in Heerlen and on the Curatorial Studies programme at the KASK/School of Arts, part of HoGent, and has organised exhibitions for Witte de With, Rotterdam, the Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, and the Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam, among others.

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