In February 2021 PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt launched an open call for an exhibition project for all PXL-MAD students under the name LIBERATION.
The initial aim was to generate a positive impulse by having students reflect on the multilingual concept of LIBERATION. The only restriction imposed was the size of the works (50 x 50 cm).
The almost 100 entries showed that the call did not fall on deaf ears.
Each work submitted was exhibited on the campus from 17 to 28 May. In collaboration with Griet Van de Velde (coordinator of Friends of S.M.A.K.), a selection of 30 works was chosen, which will be exhibited in the Friends' Room at S.M.A.K. from 8 to 13 June.
The project was guided by Ellen Vrijsen, Luk Lambrecht & Wim Van der Celen.