Shadowlife | 31.01... 04.02.2018


The light shines on things that normally prefer to remain hidden

Over the last few months, pupils at the CLW and SKI have been examining the shadowy sides of existence under the title Shadowlife. They experimented with silhouettes, stop-motion animation and assemblage. The final result is a spectacular light installation in the Floraliënhal and you can see it in the evening during the Festival of Light.

Practical information:

  • During the Festival of Light in Gent - Wednesday 31 january until 4 February 2018.
  • From 5 until 10 pm.
  • The museum will be open until 9 pm on Thursday 1 February 2018 to visit the exhibition of Gerhard Richter.
  • At the Floraliënhal.

Shadowlife is a joint project by S.M.A.K., Centrum Leren Werken Gent (CLW) and the Secundair Kunstinstituut (SKI), and is part of the Ghent Festival of Light fringe. With support from Engie.

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