Sophie Nys | Sunday 5 May 2019 at 11 am


The work ‘Fort Patti II’ by Sophie Nys is being shown in Belgium for the first time as part of the exhibition ‘The Collection (1), Highlights for a Future’.

Sophie Nys (b. 1974, Borgerhout) brings together a variety of media, often with a specific form of humour, which explore particular themes, and forgotten or overlooked events from historical and social contexts, amongst other things. In her practice, objects and images are transformed and relocated with minimal interference and limited resources. She thereby asks questions about cause and effect, transience and continuity; and wishes to open up new spaces for reflection, narrative and resistance. The work ‘Fort Patti II’ also has its origins in an amalgamation of historical details, and links these to contemporary expressions of social struggle, economic and political imperialism and militarism.

Practical details:

  • Sunday 5 May 2019 at 11 am.
  • In Dutch.
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