Talent Studio for Young People (TAJO) on research in S.M.A.K.

SMAK TAJO Corlazzoli DSC02550 HR

On the theme of architecture, the TAJO youngsters from Brugse Poort/Rabot discovered all the nooks and crannies of S.M.A.K. Ghent.

TAJO is the talent workshop for young people between 10 and 14 years old. Every Saturday, they attend four workshops on a wide variety of professions. This way, the youngsters can experience for themselves which professional fields appeal to them. S.M.A.K. is a proud long-term partner and provides several workshops every year.

Last weekend, the youngsters visited the museum and analysed how it uses spaces to make art more eye-catching. They 'optimised' existing art and experimented with the sturdiness and structure of structures.

14.Dec.21 Category: S.M.A.K. Moves
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