Uitburgeren, baby!

DP uitburgeren

The performance "Uitburgeren, Baby!" took place on Saturday 24 April 2021 at the Stropkaai in Ghent, near the Sint-Lievenslaan.

Denicolai & Provoost wrote the course of this performance in the following scenario:

  • An advertisement in a local newspaper announces the diving action of a professional diver in a water zone in the vicinity of the museum.
  • On the date mentioned, the diver brings stones from the bottom of this water zone to the surface.
  • After which he comes to the museum with his loot and places the stones in a composition of his own choosing on the planned vacant pedestal.
  • Where they will remain for the rest of the exhibition.

Uitburgeren' is the opposite of the word 'inburgeren' and means not assimilating a new culture or way of life, not adapting to a new environment. This definition is also applicable to the stones, 'found objects', that seem strange in this museum, their new environment.

5.May.21 Category: Event - Performance
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