World Alzheimer's Day with DEMO-MEMO

220910 SMAK Demo Memo 24

Today is World Alzheimer's Day, so no better time to highlight our DEMO-MEMO workshops.

We invite people with dementia to experience art together with their carer at S.M.A.K. Through live music and in-depth conversations, we stimulate all the senses. Bie Hinnekint of 'The Courage to Grow Old' will make a poem of all associations with the artworks afterwards.

S.M.A.K. wants to be a safe, free space where artworks offer support. We organise DEMO-MEMO because contemporary art can strengthen the bond between people with dementia and those close to them.

You can find upcoming DEMO-MEMO workshops on our site at agenda.

21.Sep.22 Category: S.M.A.K. Moves
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