Book presentation 'Meer dan Muze' - De Kunstmeisjes

9789029094566 1

Women artists are being celebrated more than ever with international exhibitions, podcasts and art books - and it's about time. For far too long, they have been overlooked, left out of selections or simply forgotten. By now, names like Tracey Emin, Frida Kahlo and Paula Modersohn-Becker thankfully don't sound so unfamiliar. But have you ever heard of Elisabetta Sirani, Katsushika Ōi, Lee Krasner or Carrie Mae Weems?

The Art Girls - art historians Mirjam Kooiman, Nathalie Maciesza and Renee Schuiten-Kniepstra - write enthusiastically and infectiously about ancient and modern art, for both the seasoned art lover and the novice enthusiast. In their new book 'More than Muse', they delve into the lives and work of dozens of women who have shaken up and enriched the art world.

On Sunday 3 December, The Art Girls will present 'More than Muse' at S.M.A.K.'s bookshop. They will take you beneath the surface of a number of artworks and the surprising, touching and funny stories behind them.

Practical info:
  • Sunday 3 December from 15:00 to 16:00, auditorium S.M.A.K.
  • Followed by Q&A, opportunity to purchase book + signing session.
  • Admission to the book performance is free : places are limited.
  • In collaboration with bookshop Walry.
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