Nocturne MSK Gent and S.M.A.K.

MSK en S M A K small Photo Martin Corlazzoli

Every first Thursday of the month, MSK Gent and S.M.A.K. keep their doors open until 10 pm. Enjoy the new exhibition of the Brazilian Anna Bella Geiger.

Visit the first European retrospective of Anna Bella Geiger, one of the most important contemporary artists in Brazil. Since the 1950s, she has developed her own visual language, combining a critical examination of Brazilian history and identity with the development of experimental techniques.

The artist is a pioneer of Brazilian video art and is counted among the first generation of conceptual artists in South America. This exhibition spans more than 50 years and offers, with over 170 works, a comprehensive overview of her multifaceted oeuvre.

In addition, there will be the exhibition Blind Date Sculpture Exchange, the result of a sculpture exchange between pupils, students and artists from BUSO Sint-Rafaël, BLANCO/NUCLEO and SLAC Academy Leuven.

The exhibition 'Correspondances' by Ronny Delrue was the occasion for this new project with the pupils of the school in Ghent for blind and partially sighted BUSO Sint-Rafaël.

Book your ticket online
Practical informations
  • Thursday 3 June 2021.
  • From 18:00 to 22:00.
  • Both S.M.A.K. and MSK Gent remain open.
  • Book your ticket online.

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