Flying Flags for World Refugee Day

IMG 1534

Come to S.M.A.K. on Sunday 20 June 2021 for World Refugee Day.

In recent months, more than 250 visitors have designed their own flag based on their personal values, regardless of nationality. The proceeds will go to the activities of Doctors Without Borders who support the refugee camps on Lesbos.

Sunday 20 June 2021 is World Refugee Day and then at 10:30 am about 80 volunteers will fly flags around S.M.A.K. and the Floraliënhal. In this way, we give visibility to the refugee crisis and draw attention to the vulnerable position of people on the run. A problem that has been unjustly pushed into the background during the current pandemic.

The participating organisations: Victoria Deluxe, GentzonderGrenzen, VZW Humain, Ensemble VZW, Gents Solidariteitsfonds, MSK, GUM, Refu Interim, Artsen zonder Grenzen.
Practical Information
  • Sundat 20 juni 2021
  • 10:30 aan S.M.A.K.
  • Register at with the reference 'participation action World Refugee Day'

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