Honoré δ'O, born as Raf Van Ommeslaege, initially studied architecture in Ghent. In his final year, he realised that space could also be a carrier for drawings and images. This switch in consciousness caused him to start treating space differently and to change his name in 1981. However, it was another six years before the artist presented any work to the public. In silence, Honoré δ'O went in search of his position within and attitude towards the art world. This is characterised by a great love of the magic of matter and everyday objects, but at the same time he is suspicious of the 'object orientation' of the art world and the art market. Honoré δ'O refuses to deliver finished objects. He is more interested in the process itself, which takes place at a given moment in space through the combination of materials and objects. His associative and humorous approach leads to sprawling installations with a particularly open character. The visitor is immersed in his poetic world, interacts with it, and thus becomes part of the work. δ'O's installations manifest themselves as a web of underlying meanings and connections, in which reality continually changes into art and vice versa.