Robert Gober

Year and place of birth: 1954, Wallingford, USA Location: New York, USA

Robert Gober created his first sculptures in the late Seventies: meticulously accurate doll’s houses, entirely hand-made, even the wallpaper. This originated from his fascination with what a 'house' symbolises. In the Eighties, Gober, who came out as gay relatively early, supported the actions of the Aids Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT UP). His 'sinks' from this period stand for 'the impossibility of cleansing yourself'. Gober subsequently focused on other details associated with the home: from beds and doors to drains. He makes them by hand, but due to the high degree of precision he applies, his imitations are virtually indistinguishable from their industrially produced 'models'. Gober's hyper-realistic reproduction evokes a peculiar feeling.

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