stanley brouwn

Year and place of birth: 1935, Paramaribo, Suriname Location: +2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

stanley brouwn is the most well-known representative of Dutch conceptual art. The underlying idea of ​​his works always takes precedence over their formally austere aesthetics. brouwn as an artist was an autodidact and was initially - similar to the artists of the Zero movement - a proponent of monochrome geometrical abstraction. But brouwn outgrew the specific Zero aesthetics quickly. From 1960 he built a particularly personal and consistent oeuvre, in which he investigated the interplay between movement and distance. He used his body as a measurement of all things and thereby formulated his own unique measurement system (the sb-foot, the sb-el and the sb-step). On the basis of this scale, the artist investigated the field of tension between the subjective experience of distance and the objective recording of it.

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