MuseumCulture Strombeek Ghent is a long-term joint venture by the S.M.A.K. in Ghent and the Strombeek Cultural Centre, starting in January 2013.
The aim is to set up two projects per year that consist of two or three parts. In each case, a theme will be dealt with in depth on the basis of works of art from the S.M.A.K. collection. The themes for 2013 are a subjective survey of painting from the sixties to the present, and the changes in sculpture as related to parallel developments in dance.
ABOUT WAVES | Part 1: Het Ding | 11.01... 07.02.2013 @CC Strombeek The exhibition entitled ‘The Thing’ focuses on a movement that started in the sixties and which put the painting as a ‘thing’ at the heart of its thinking about painting. The exhibition gives the visitor an insight into how the painting literally put itself ‘in the picture’ in that period. In painting, it was no longer the ‘image’ or the gesture that was important, but the attention to the texture and tactility of the paint on its support. The exhibition will include works by Sol LeWitt, Raoul De Keyser, Dan Van Severen, Eugène Leroy, Gerhard Richter, Andy Warhol, Jan Schoonhoven, Amedee Cortier, Walter Swennen and Marthe Wéry. In addition, for each part of ‘About Waves’ we are inviting a young artist to react pictorially to the art on show in the exhibition hall at that moment, and this in a separate ‘observatory’ (in the form of a sort of studio). The artist who has been invited for the first part is Tom Jooris (1971). He paints in a very unusual abstract manner.
Address: Cultuurcentrum Strombeek Grimbergen Gemeenteplein, B-1853 Strombeek-Bever, België tel +32 (0)2 263 03 43