S.M.A.K. in the classroom during Heritage Week

S M A K in de klas foto Eva Vlonk 284929

During Heritage Week, S.M.A.K. comes to the classrooms. One of the museum staff members will teach the pupils the tricks of the trade. They will meet a heritage guard, a curator, a communication specialist or a museum director.

What does heritage guard Christa do in S.M.A.K.?

A safe environment for artworks and visitors? Heritage guard Christa tells you the secrets of her job. You find out everything, except the code of the security alarm.

What does museum director Philippe do in S.M.A.K.?

If anyone is not afraid of contemporary art, it is museum director Philippe. You can ask him anything: like why is a packed chair art and the one you are sitting on not?

What does the depot manager Christoph do in S.M.A.K.?

Where are the works of art when they are not on display? What is the best way to display a work of art? Depot manager Christoph shows you the way.

What does PR specialist Eva do in S.M.A.K.?

Pop art artists sell themselves almost automatically. Still, Eva has a lot of extra PR tricks in her back pocket to make this exhibition even more popular.

What does facility assistant Tashina do in S.M.A.K.?

A facilities assistant takes care of the smooth running of a building. For Tashina, this also includes taking care of the production of the Pop Art exhibition at S.M.A.K.

What does collection researcher Thibaut do in S.M.A.K.?

Collection researcher Thibaut digs deep into archives and all kinds of documents to unravel the secrets of a work of art. This time you can find out everything about the artists and their works of art.

What does assistant-curator Tanja do in S.M.A.K.?

What makes a good exhibition? Assistant-curator Tanja teaches you how to tell an artist's story through an exhibition.
Practical information
  • Heritage Week takes place from 26 April to 29 April 2022.
  • You can register at aline@smak.be.
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