New edition | Anna Zacharoff, Verpackung


Anna Zacharoff | Verpackung, 2021

25 + 5 a.p.’s each copy is unique

acrylic paint on wood

Price: 350 euro | 300 euro (members). If more than one box: 250 euro | 200 euro (members)

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Anna Zacharoff works with various media including performances, sculptures, text but mainly paintings. A recurring theme in her work is organisms and creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean. Using oil paint and pigment, Zacharoff paints mussels, goldfish, crabs, snails and sea feathers in an interplay of colours and lines that is at once figurative and abstract.

These motifs are often depicted in isolation on an empty, but slightly manipulated canvas, which creates the feeling that what you see is just as present as what was left out. The emptiness of the canvas can be read as the vastness of the ocean and everything that is hiding there.

Especially for the Friends' space, the artist made the work Entrée, made with acrylic paint on wood. At the end of the exhibition, she sawed the work into equally sized pieces and turned them into open boxes, which can stand, hang or be stacked. The boxes/editions are each unique, signed and numbered.
De Vereniging presents: Anna Zacharoff
11.Jun.21 Category: Friends of S.M.A.K.
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