Nocturne: S.M.A.K. and MSKGent open until 10 pm | Citadelic Jazz - 3.Sept.2020

Nocturne 202 202 90 s c1 c c 0 0 1

Every first Thursday of the month (except July and August), both S.M.A.K. and MSKGent remain open until 22:00. On Thursday 3 September 2020 a concert by Citadelic Jazz and a Slow Art tour are scheduled, also our Golden Guides are waiting for you.

Slow Art Tour

Between 19:00 and 20:00 you can participate in the Slow Art tour in the expo EXIT of Kris Martin with Kim Decatelle. Watch art, slow down, relax. The slow art method is a way to strengthen your perception, to look in depth and to immerse yourself in some of the works of art. Kim takes you on a walk through Kris Martin's retrospective Exit. After 8 to 10 minutes of careful observation, we get an eye for the whole and the details. We ask questions like: What strikes you in the artwork? What story is being told? How can you tell it? Slow Art opens up a new world. It is a unique total experience that refreshes your senses and offers you a surprising view of the artwork and the artist.

  • Register for the walk via
  • Price: 8 euros by bank transfer, entrance ticket S.M.A.K. not included.
  • Min. number of participants: 10, max 12, at sufficient distance from each other with mouth mask.

Golden Guide

Between 19:00 and 22:00 guide Catherine Lampo is waiting for you. She will take a closer look at the works of art that are on display in the halls.

  • Kris Martin | EXIT
  • Charbel-joseph H. Boutros | The Sun is My Only Ally -
  • From the Collection:
    • Poetic Faith
    • Panamarenko (works on paper)
    • Museum for a Small City / Rebuild | Richard Venlet
    • Broodthaerskabinet.

Here you can see an overview.

Citadelic Jazz

From 20:00 - Exprezz Duo (PL-BE) - Anna Ciborowska (piano), Cezariusz Gadzina (saxes)

Musicians Cezariusz Gadzina and Anna Ciborowska from Poland form Exprezz Duo. The classical works are only a starting point for their own musical narrative. With the help of the saxophone they explore numerous possibilities. However, Exprezz Duo also craves the freedom to do their own thing and improvise, an approach that is not common in classical music. They were already allowed to bring their own idiosyncratic music to venues from Rome to Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Warsaw and New York. More info: Citadelic Jazz.

Practical information

  • Reserve or book your ticket in advance to be sure of your visit. You can order online here.
  • The museum café also remains open until 22:00.
  • COVID-19 measures
    • A mouth mask (12+) is required.
    • Limit yourself to your bubble.
    • All guidelines in detail can be found via this link.
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