Publication Philippe Van Snick. Archive Revisited

Publicatie Philippe Van Snick

On the occasion of Philippe Van Snick’s solo exhibition 'dynamic project', we published the limited publication 'Philippe Van Snick. Archive Revisited'. The publication was conceived and produced in collaboration with Inge Ketelers.

This publication, in the form of a leporello, is based on a work of art discovered after the passing of Philippe Van Snick in July 2019. His wife, Marijke Dekeukeleire, found a box containing a pile of 20 photographs (122 x164 mm). The subject of the photographs suggests that they have been taken in the mid 1970s when the artist made interventions in leaves by cutting them in a geometric way. On 10 of the photographs, he made a painterly gesture following his conceptual 10-color system that he applied since 1979. In 1984, the color light blue, referring to the motif ‘day’ has been added.

From 2012 onwards, Philippe Van Snick used the strategy of painting on top of photographs from his own archive in the series Archive Revisited. The work presented in this publication, found its origin in the same period. This limited publication of 100 is a reproduction on scale 1:1 and is numbered by the Philippe Van Snick Estate.

Price: € 125

The publication can be retrieved in S.M.A.K. or shipped with insurance.

9.Jun.23 Category: Bookshop
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