In Belgium, thousands of undocumented people live and work in precarious conditions. ‘In My Name’ defends a regularisation of undocumented people based on clear, fair and permanent criteria. They formulate six concrete demands:
- Fight against arbitrariness.
- Revaluing precarious and essential jobs.
- Fight against social fraud and undeclared work.
- Put an end to social dumping and improve working conditions, for everyone.
- Find a solution to the labour shortage.
- Fight against the extreme right, racism and social exclusion.
With 25,000 signatures by 17 May 2022, this proposal will be submitted directly to the Federal Parliament.
As a museum of contemporary art, S.M.A.K. takes a committed part in our society. S.M.A.K. tries in various ways to show solidarity with vulnerable groups, such as people on the run or people without papers. With the projects of S.M.A.K. Moves, we draw attention to the difficult circumstances of people on the run, among others.