School for the blind and visually impaired works on Sound Atlas

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There is (too) little vocabulary for communicating about sound and we want to do something about it. Together with S.M.A.K., the blind/ partially sighted of the rehabilitation centre BuSo Sint-Rafaël, Symfoon and Aifoon, we set out to make a 'sound atlas'.

During the echolocation lessons, the participants from Aifoon and from the school for the blind and visually impaired, Buso Sint-Rafaël, found out that it is very difficult to speak about sound because of the lack of precise vocabulary.

This prompted a new search together with S.M.A.K., Aifoon, Buso Sint-Rafaël and Symfoon. Last year, the podcast Geluidenatlas was published, in which various experts were questioned on the subject.

This year, the participants will work further on this theme in a workshop with various artists. In June 2022, the results of the research will be shown in S.M.A.K.
6.Apr.22 Category: S.M.A.K. Moves
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