SHADOWLIFE by youngsters of CLW and SKI (2017 - 2018)

Shadowlife S M A K february 2018 foto Kurt Stockman 10

In autumn 2017, students from the Centre Leren en Werken (CLW Gent) and the Secundair Kunstinstituut (SKI) joined forces for the Shadowlife project.

Shadowlife S M A K february 2018 foto Kurt Stockman 11

Life has many dark sides and these were explored and depicted by the students. The monumental light installation could be admired during the light festival. The old technique of shadow play was combined with digital photography, sculptures and projection.

Important for this project is that the pupils do as much as possible themselves, both creatively and practically: they attended a workshop of three full days and sometimes continued working on the project in between. They erected and dismantled the scaffolding themselves, set up the installation themselves and were even partly responsible for the catering.

You can find the results of the workshop here:


  • Shadowlife took place during the Festival of Light - from Wednesday 31.01 to Sunday 04.02.2018
  • Each time from 17:00 to 22:00.
  • At the Floralia Hall, behind the S.M.A.K.

Shadowlife is a collaboration between the SKI, CLW and S.M.A.K. and is supported by ENGIE.

Together with the Centrum Leren Werken, Gent (CLW) and ENGIE, S.M.A.K. realises multimedia workshop projects for young people with a bumpy school track. The projects challenge young people to react artistically to the works displayed in the museum. As a result, regular visitors discover their talent.

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