On the weekend of 6 and 7 May, experience a cultural carousel of music, performance, photography, slam poetry, mappings and visual art in and around S.M.A.K. GHOST x Monterey takes place in Citadel Park, MSK and in Room 1 of S.M.A.K.
Get ready for a nomadic experience that will literally and figuratively take you to the most unexpected corners of the artistic spectrum.
On Saturday evening, 6 May, in the Citadelpark, stroll past various mini-live performances by Maria Iskariot, Loverman, Gameboyz II Men, Soapstarter, 60 Degrees of Separation, Friends Are Magic, Cesar De Sutter-Pinoy, Raveyards, RT60Fields & Laura De Souter, Loeke Vanhoutteghem, Cruise Lento and Mathijs Steels, among others.