Light and Love exists a full century this year. "HOOGSTPERSOONLIJK!", for which the organisation is a guest in rOOM 1 of S.M.A.K., is part of this anniversary. With the project, Licht en Liefde (Light and Love) offers a unique artistic process towards awareness of sensory perception, of one's own being and of each other.
In a zeitgeist where images are more present than ever and selfies are part of our daily lives, Light and Love reflects on the influence of visual perception on our identity formation. What impact does this have on people with and without visual impairment? How do our senses influence how we interact and what happens when visual information is missing? 'Looking in the mirror' takes on a different meaning when we look without our eyes - when we feel, smell, taste or move.
Led by professional artists and coaches, non-verbal, artistic expression is encouraged. Participants with visual impairment explore their identity, using their impairment as a strength. They seek to connect with objects, sounds, smells, tastes and space, paying attention to perception, patterns and rituals. Thus, from their sensory perception, images emerge that open dialogue with people without visual impairment. Perception in various forms spins like a thread through this project, with which Licht en Liefde wants to invite everyone to reflect.