Day of the Friends with guided tours in S.M.A.K. and MSK


As is our custom every year, this year we are also organising a Friends' Day. During the Friends' Day, you can enjoy guided tours of S.M.A.K. and MSK, music and food and beverage trucks on the museum square.

Since MSK is celebrating its 225th anniversary, we have decided to have our day during the Festival Weekend.

20220528 SMAK Skaters Bazart c Martin Corlazzoli COR07015

room view Splendid Isolation, photo: Martin Corlazzoli


10:15 - 12:15
Guided tour S.M.A.K. | N. Dash – MSK | Albert Baertsoen
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

10:45 - 12:45
Guided tour S.M.A.K. | N. Dash – MSK | permanent collection
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

11:00 - 12:30
Music | Our Band - featuring Ilse Duyck
With Marc Hebbelinck (bass), Mark Lefever (drums), Carl Op de Beeck (guitar), Jan Op de Beeck (guitar and vocals)
Jazzstandards, Hot Club de France and pop from the 60s&70s.
> museum square

13:00 - 15:00
Guided tour S.M.A.K. | N.Dash – MSK | Albert Baertsoen
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

14:00 - 15:30
Music | De Straatschenders
Evil and less evil texts in the Ghent language of the Brugse Poort.
> museum square

14:00 - 16:00
Guided tour S.M.A.K. | N. Dash – MSK | Albert Baertsoen
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

14:30 - 16:30
Guided tour in S.MA.K. | N. Dash – MSK | permanent collection
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

14:30 - 16:00
Guided tour in S.M.A.K. | N. Dash, Splendid Isolation, Lydia Ourahmane Barzakh
> start at the counter of S.M.A.K.

15:00 -16:30
Guided tour in MSK | Albert Baertsoen
> start at the counter of MSK

16:00 - 17:00
Music | EhLaBas! (subject to change)
With Thomas Noël (Rhodes & Hammond), Wim Neyrinck (saxes), Dominique De Zutter (drums), Joris Holderbeke (bass) en Sven Van Mol (guitar).
Funk from the old days.
> museum square

Please send your top 3 starting times before 30 July via:

Price: 5 euro for participation. In exchange, you get a drink voucher. This is to avoid 'no shows'. Non-members can apply for membership and participate.

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