Artist-researcher Laura Nsengiyumva shares her thoughts on Grace Ndiritu's work in relation to themes of blackness and the female body within the art scene and politics in Belgium and worldwide.
Nsengiyumva's shares a more emotional perspective on the museum as a healing place. To this end, she is guided by Grace Ndiritu's shamanic approach.
Laura Nsengiyumva (she/her) is a Brussels-based artivist, architect and researcher. Through her interdisciplinary practice, Nsengiyumva explores themes such as diasporic experience, hidden histories, North-South relations and empathy. She speaks about these topics through images and interventions on colonial spaces. . Her artivists actions like PeoPL (the melting of a statue of Leopold II) and Queen Nikkolah, are part of her research project "Shaping the presence of the African diaspora in Belgium". Her transcultural view of history is based on human stories that invite us to find what brings us together.
Nsengiyumva is affiliated as an artistic researcher to Kask, the School of Arts of HOGENT, and howest. She won the first prize at the Kunstsalon Ghent in 2011, and the second prize at the Dakar Biennale in 2012. She is an artist resident of Kult-XL.