S.M.A.K. in the classroom about LANGUAGE for OKAN, NT2 and second-chance education

20210120 SMAK in de klas foto Kurt Stockman 08411

In 2019 and 2020, S.M.A.K. together with LUCA School of Arts and the Education Centre Ghent, organised an offer for OKAN schools in and around Ghent. S.M.A.K. has developed a new offer for OKAN schools with an extra focus on language skills and cultural diversity.

S M A K in de klas foto Eva Vlonk 283129

The format 'S.M.A.K. in the classroom' makes it possible to introduce children and young people to contemporary visual art. A guide from S.M.A.K. visits the classroom and works on works of art from the S.M.A.K. collection. Together you will question the language, look for exciting translations and let your mind wander around the language and the image.

What can you expect?

S M A K in de klas foto Eva Vlonk 283629

A 50-minute lesson in which we work in a playful manner on language skills and image literacy, starting with contemporary and visual art. We start with Marcel Broodthaers' film 'La Pluie', Martin Kippenberger's 'Das Ende des Alphabets' and Ann Veronica Janssens' 'Blue Glitter'.

In our lesson, we take the pupils on an artistic investigation of visual art, poetry and language. In the film we see how Broodthaers writes a poem in the rain. The language disappears, washes away with the water. The poet tries to write a poem, but he cannot. It is impossible to write anything in the pouring rain. Yet Broodthaers tries against his better judgment. Aren't we all a bit like Marcel Broodthaers? Are we not also trying to do something impossible by trying to learn another language? We must try to speak correctly but we must not be afraid to make mistakes either. But isn't translation also a kind of artistic act? Aren't letters actually also images? Isn't there an unexpected beauty in our clumsy language mistakes? In short, language is never finished and we are far from finished.

Practical information

This offer is suitable for OKAN, NT2 and second-chance education and is adapted to the language level of your class. We have the opportunity to offer this offer free of charge at some schools, more information and reservations can be made via hidde.vanschie@smak.be.

The workshops are accessible for all language levels. Depending on the corona measures, you can take your class for a guided visit to the S.M.A.K. as a preparation or as a conclusion.

15.Mar.21 Category: For children
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