The world is a dynamic environment in which society is changing at an increasingly rapid pace. For S.M.A.K., it is not enough just to show a sampling of contemporary art, we want to explore what contemporary art is and can be. S.M.A.K. wants the museum to be experienced as a dynamic and inclusive place where art is a powerful tool for connection and understanding. Where deviation from the norm is a given.
With a mission to make contemporary art accessible, it is in S.M.A.K.'s genes to reach out to a wide audience. As a museum in the middle of society, S.M.A.K. takes action to give everyone a chance to discover contemporary art in all its forms, through all walks of life.In recent years, S.M.A.K. has succeeded in bringing people, for whom visiting a museum is not obvious, into contact with art thanks to a targeted programme: S.M.A.K.Moves. In collaboration with a range of partner organisations, S.M.A.K.Beweegt is an inclusive programme tailored to education, young people, children from underprivileged families, people with dementia, refugees, prisoners, people with a mental disability or psychological vulnerability, the blind and visually impaired. With attention to intersectionality at the social level. Thanks to sustainable cooperation with associations supporting different communities, the foundations were laid for S.M.A.K. moves. We can meet today's challenges together.
In the coming years, S.M.A.K. aims to further develop S.M.A.K.Beweegt into a platform for connection and learning, with art as a universal language. In particular, S.M.A.K.Beweegt focuses on young people. Focusing on education, inclusion, diversity, vulnerability in disadvantaged families and mental health of young people. Knowledge sharing is an important contribution to increasing the impact of the projects. The operation starts by identifying and recognising the specific needs of different audiences. Then, together with partner organisations, we explore the needs and aspirations of communities, and what art, artists and the museum can contribute to this.
Together with partners, we develop adapted projects for:
Partners: Licht en Liefde, Het Secundair Kunstinstituut, Academie voor Beeldende Kunst, De Rode Antraciet, Gevangenis Gent, LUCA, Refu Interim, The Courage To Grow Old, WaF!, Centrum Leren Werken Gent, Fedasil, Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, Topo Copy, Reno Ponton Gent, mentormentor, Dr. Guislain Ziekenhuis and de Olijfboom.